Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Getting Closer

Progress continues as we get closer to starting construction. 

I  called a person about removing the two stumps from the cedar trees last week. He said he would go by that evening and call me to let me know if he could do the job. Apparently he couldn't because I never heard back from him! Terry and Matt were going to try to move the second shed last Saturday, so I called someone that I found on the Camp Creek website. (Residents often have trouble getting reputable and experienced help because it is off the beaten path, so the website includes a page that lists service people along with recommendations from residents.) I spoke with the gentleman's wife who said he was looking at another job that morning but might get by our place to look in the afternoon. Not only did he come to look, but he also removed the stumps AND helped move the shed!

So, with that job out of the way, we were cleared to do a re-stake of the house. I keep calling it a stakeout...but I guess that is something slightly different! The re-stake guy, Jerry, had an opening today, so I went up to meet him. We decided to pull the house back away from the lake about 5 more feet. It is not that we are close to the lake - probably 200 feet away - but it just seemed a slightly better placement. Jerry agreed and completed the re-stake. He gave me a list of things that we still need to do - trim back some yaupon, cut a limb, remove a couple of chunks of concrete, etc. We should be able to complete that this weekend.

Jerry also had the septic guy come to look and give us the word on whether we can go traditional or aerobic. He said traditional was fine. That is good for us because it it less expensive than an aerobic design.

Now the plans go back to drafting for whatever  pre-construction things need to be done. I am hoping that building might start in two weeks...three weeks at the most! Hard to believe that we are almost ready to get started. Exciting!!
Jerry doing the re-stake

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