The 30% chance for remains for today with a 40% chance tomorrow, so the hope for more rain remains!
Last week's main project was getting more of the main living area painted. I don't work very fast, so everything seems to take forever! The portion that was finished last week enabled me to tackle one of this weekend's projects - hanging window shades!
Shade up Shade down
Being an educator made me think about the skills needed to be able to hang these shades. Two primary skills involved reading/following directions and converting decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals. I was able to manage both tasks, but it helped that there were online fraction/decimal conversion sites available for reference. Following instructions required some common sense to fill in the details that were lacking.
I hope this means I am smarter than a 5th grader!
Painting always takes a long time. Here's my chance to plug CTE classes! They do learn math, reading and other 'core' skills in industrial tech, etc! I just wish the CTE teachers would reinforce that "this is the math your teacher showed you in geometry, and this is how you'll actually use it!"