Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pick a project...any project?

I had great plans to finish painting the master bedroom today, but it was such a BEAUTIFUL day that I didn't want to waste it inside! There are plenty of outdoor projects to be done, so it was just a matter of which one to choose:

  1. Pick up leftover construction trash
  2. Cut up tree limbs that are on the burn pile
  3. Cut the cane that is coming up through the new grass
  4. Move a pile of lumber
  5. Etc.
  6. Etc.

...nothing really sounds appealing, but I need to choose something!

And the winner is...

Three hours later, I'm thinking maybe painting wouldn't have been so bad!

Some progress was made, but there is still a lot to do!

At least I can get from my car, to the grass, and to the house now without walking through the sand.

Maybe I should just get a glass of lemonade and sit on the porch for a while...

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