Friday, December 30, 2011

Workshop Delay

Today was supposed to be the day that concrete was poured for the workshop slab. Sadly, it is not going to happen. There was a slight misunderstanding/miscommunication between me and the contractor.

The enclosed portion of the building is 30' x 45'. Because the land slopes down to the lake, the edge of the slab closest to the lake ends up being about 24" higher than ground level. We will have a 10' covered section along that long side which will serve, in part, as a sloped drive up to the building. I made the mistake of telling the contractor that I thought that we would like to be able to sit under that covered portion if we were grilling or otherwise needing a break from some awesome project. He took that to mean that we wanted that covered area to be level rather than sloped. The problem is that it would not be possible to drive a vehicle from the driveway into the workshop with no slope!

When the concrete prep work was finished yesterday, I realized that we had a problem, so I had to call the contractor and break the bad news to him. He was not happy but cancelled the concrete and had his crew out today to be sure that it was the way I wanted it!

Here is what it looked like before the slope was added:

The section on the right side of the pad is the overhang section.

In this view, the overhang is at the front of the pad.

The views below are after they added the slope. Yay! We will be able to drive into the workshop!

So, the concrete is now scheduled for next Wednesday. Wonder if I can get each of the dogs to put a paw print in the wet concrete...just one?

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