Sunday, August 28, 2011


It was a very nice early morning at the lake. The temperatures will be hitting ridiculous highs again today, so the time to enjoy the outdoors was early.The hummingbirds were very busy as we enjoyed some porch time with coffee and the newspaper.

We enjoy all the birds, and they seem to appreciate the food and water we provide.

Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best. -Henry Van Dyke

Saturday, August 27, 2011


It is 104 at 1:00 PM. The high is predicted to be 107 today. It is hot out there! I watered the grass this morning, but any other chores for the day will be indoors. Vacuuming is done, chicken enchiladas are made, and laundry is in progress.

Terry and the dog's idea looks more appealing...

Flip and Boone are following Terry's if they didn't already know how to kick back and relax!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Update on Frank

Monday is one of Boone's regular daycare days, so he was excited to go out the front door and head to the car yesterday morning. Frank got to come too. He felt pretty cocky about getting to ride in the front seat and leaving the other two gazing out the window in disappointment.

Little did he know, at the time, that his stop was not doggie daycare but the vet! He didn't get to play all day like Boone. Instead, he was anesthetized, poked, prodded, given a shot, and stitched up. Then he had to sit in a cage until I could come to get him.

He is on an antibiotic and pain meds, but he seems to be doing pretty well considering everything he has been through!

He has 4 sutures on his shoulder wound and one on his back. He is getting a lot of pampering, so I think he will come out of this even more spoiled!

The jury is still out on whether he learned any lessons from all of this....

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Close Encounter of the Deer Kind

We have 4 city dogs that think they are pretty tough. Barking at the deer through the fence provides them a buffer that makes them feel more invincible than they really are. They found out today that living in the country and mingling with the wildlife is not always a walk in the park.

Terry has been taking the dogs for a walk in the morning. He takes a leash with him in case he has one that doesn't listen so well, but for the most part they are able to walk without leashes.

The first half of today's walk was uneventful. They ended up at the dam, where there is also a boat ramp and swimming area. Terry was keeping his eye on Boone, who is the one that tends to run off. Frank spotted a young deer and apparently went after it. The young deer started squealing, which brought the mama deer over at a dead run. She hit Frank and sent him rolling, with her hoofs hitting him each time he rolled. Franks's squealing brought our little min pin, Polly over to save him. She distracted the mama deer long enough for Frank to get away and run toward Terry. In the process, Polly got kicked in the head. The two big dogs finally jumped in and chased the mother deer off in one direction while the young deer went the other way - both uninjured.

When Terry got to Polly, she was staggering a bit so he picked her up. She went limp in his arms, and he was afraid that she may have been severely hurt. He started back to the cabin - about a mile and a half away - carrying Polly with Frank walking. Flip came back to join up with them, and Polly was eventually able to walk too. In the meantime, Boone had come back to the house. I had the feeling that something was going on, so I jumped in the car to see where the rest of them were. When I met up with Terry, Flip, Frank, and Polly, he gave me the short version of the story. I took Polly in the car, and the rest of them finished the walk.

Frank ended up with several cuts from the deer hooves. A trip to the vet will be on his agenda tomorrow morning with the possibility of a couple of stitches fairly likely.

After a call to Texas A&M's Small Animal clinic, they confirmed that we could wait and go to our regular vet tomorrow morning. Terry is putting some antibiotic ointment on Frank's cuts.

We are watching Polly closely, but so far she seems to be okay...just a bit of a knot on her head.

We think that Frank owes Polly big time - don't think that the mama deer would have stopped her attack without Polly jumping in. Polly owes a debt of gratitude to Flip and Boone who sent mama running. And I think Boone may have come straight back to the cabin to let me know that something was going on...

A potentially devastating event ended with minimal injury due to the camaraderie of our rag-tag group of rescue dogs. Maybe they will have a greater respect for the deer now, and I hope they will think twice about chasing them from now on!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

More Flag Stone! Yay!

Hot, hot and more hot...same to be said for dry. The lake level continues to drop, and the effects of the drought on plant and animal life are severe. The devastation of this drought will be huge and will be felt for years!

Terry finally finished his  out-of-town job and is home after a year and a half! He has only spent a handful of nights here at the new house, so it is not really "home" to him yet. He will have to learn where everything is and what the (my) established routines are.

The main thing is that he will have a break after working 7 days a week 12 hours a day for months and months...and he doesn't have to sleep in his travel  trailer any more!

Nick drove up to Poolville (about 45 miles NW of Fort Worth, between Bridgeport and Mineral Wells) last Thursday to hook up the travel trailer and haul it back. Today, Nick and Terry got some more flag stone so I can finish my walkway!

Yay! I had been missing hauling and laying rock in 100+ degree heat...